be a random variable over the outcome space which is an interval or union of intervals. is called a continuous random variable if there exists an integrable function satisfying the following: (a) (b) (c) is called the Probability density function (pdf) of
对于一个连续随机变量X,它在实数域上任意一特定点的概率都是0 因此
Cumulative distribution function (cdf)
The Cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a continuous random variable with the pdf is given by Although , we write for consistency with the cdf of discrete random variables.
is continuous, and for values for which the derivative exists,
For any
Mean and variance
Mean of the continuous random variable
Remark. max not exist
The variance is always nonnegative
The square root of , i.e. , is called the standard deviation of
Let be a random variable, , and be constants. Consider as a linear function of . Then
Uniform distribution
A random variable is said to be uniformly distributed over the interval if its probability density function is given byThe cdf of is The mean and variance of are
Exponential distribution
If a continuous random variable is said to be an exponential random variable. The pdf is The cdf of is The mean and variance are