

In our recent game production experience, we often faced the problem of excessive memory consumption.
For example, when pressing the Shift key, the player can get a high speed, and some shadow will appear in the path. The memory will be greatly wasted if we instantiate and destroy the shadow object every time. So, we need to use ObjectPool to deal with this situation.


In this section, we will discuss what is ObjectPool, and why ObjectPool can solve this problem.

  • What is ObjectPool

    Interpret it literally, ObjectPool is a pool filled with objects. Then we can get or return the object from this pool.

  • Why ObjectPool can solve this problem

    The worst part of the Instantiate-Destory way is that it applied and used the memory for a while before it was discarded. So, when we use the ObjectPool pattern, everything that only is used for a while will be created in the pool for preparation.

    Now, we built and changed to use the ObjectPool pattern. The objects we need to use are already created in the pool. When we need the object, we only need to get it from the pool, then return to the pool.

In the next section, I will show the structure of ObjectPool.


  • Design Pattern: Singleton
  • Variables:
    1. static ObjectPool Instance
    2. int Pool_Size
    3. List<GameObject> Prefabs //Because I use the ObjectPool in Unity, you can use other types.
    4. Dictionary<string, Queue<GameObject>> Available_Objects_Dictionary
  • Functions:
    1. void Awake()
    2. void FillPool()
    3. void ReturnPool()
    4. GameObject GetPool()


  • Instance

    The instance is an instance of ObjectPool class, we will access this variable in other scripts to use the ObjectPool.
  • Pool_Size

    Pool_Size is the basic size of the ObjectPool, all objects will be created in size copies in the pool at script awake.
  • Prefabs

    Prefabs can be added at the Unity Interface, and they will be created in the pool.
  • Available_Objects_Dictionary

    This variable is the most important part, it can allow us to invoke the ObjectPool by the name of the object. The value of the dictionary is a queue, it is the main part of the ObjectPool or we can call this the pool. Every object will be stored in this queue.


  • Awake

    private void Awake()
        if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
            Instance = this;

    Awake is the standard part of a Singleton class, it is used to be sure the program only has one instance. When the instance is not the first instance, it will kill the instance. And if it is, this function will invoke FillPool.

  • FillPool

    private void FillPool(int Size)
        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            foreach (var Prefab in Prefabs)
                var obj = instantiate(Prefab, transform, true);

    FillPool will fill the pool by every prefab in the Prefabs. It will invoke ReturnPool to do a standard process to return the object into the pool.

  • ReturnPool

    public void ReturnPool(GameObject Object)
        if (!Available_Objects_Dictionary.ContainsKey(Object.name))
            Available_Objects_Dictionary.Add(Object.name, new Queue<GameObject>());

    ReturnPool will put the object into the corresponding pool, if the pool does not exist, it will create one first.

  • GetPool

    public GameObject GetPool(GameObject Object)
        var NAME = Object.name + "(Clone)"; //Because Unity will add "(Clone)" in the end of the instantiated prefabs
        if (Available_Objects_Dictionary[NAME].Count == 0)
        var obj = Available_Objects_Dictionary[NAME].Dequeue();
        return obj;

    GetPool will be sure you can get an object from the pool. When there are no objects in the pool, it will fill one into the pool.


Now, we have the fundamental ObjectPool instance, we can use it to reuse our objects already created in Scene. But it still has something that can be improved, the most obvious one is the FillPool method.

When invoking the FillPool method, it will fill the pool with a Size number of objects. It looks right when our objects are needed all in a controllable small range of quantities. But when we need to use a large number of one type of object in a short time, the other objects created as foils are wasted.

To solve this problem, we only need to add a Prefabs parameter to the FillPool method in order to designate what prefabs need to be filled into the pool.

The improved FillPool method will be looked like as this

private void FillPool(int Size, List<GameObject> Prefabs)
    for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
        foreach (var Prefab in Prefabs)
            var obj = instantiate(Prefab, transform, true);

and the GetPool method needs to be improved like this
public GameObject GetPool(GameObject Object)
    var NAME = Object.name + "(Clone)"; //Because Unity will add "(Clone)" in the end of the instantiated prefabs
    if (Available_Objects_Dictionary[NAME].Count == 0)
        FillPool(1, new List<GameObject>(){Object});

    var obj = Available_Objects_Dictionary[NAME].Dequeue();
    return obj;

meanwhile, the Awake also need to be improved like this
private void Awake()
    if (Instance != null && Instance != this)
        Instance = this;
        FillPool(Pool_Size, Prefabs);

Now, when we use the GetPool to get an object from the pool, it will only create one object in the pool when this type of object is empty in the pool.


We have implemented an ObjectPool in the steps above. The pool can store and release the GameObject, and we can use this to save memory in the bullet script or other same function script. But this class also has some inconvenience, that is we can only use it as a GameObject pool, if we want to store another type, we need to create another class of object. About how to solve it to make the ObjectPool generalization, it is your thinking homework. I may put the method in another post.